Golden Eagle Surprise
As Alison and I arrived in Yellowstone National Park on 23 June 2018, we drove along the road to Slough Creek Campground when we spotted a wildlife photographer pulled over with a giant lens on his tripod. He was pointing at a rock wall. I pulled over and asked what was interesting him that day and he informed me that he was photographing a golden eagle nest. We were watching the parents circle overhead and heard the chicks making calls to remind their parents of their presence! I quickly attached my rented telephoto (Fujinon XF 100-400mm) to my camera and began making photos. It was really the first time I've ever used such a large heavy lens, but the circumstances made it a great experience. Although I handheld the lens that first day, over the next three days we returned to the spot a few times--with a tripod--to photograph the chicks and eagles--wonderful to watch and listen to them!